Sunday, September 28, 2008

Background about Sour Dough

Sourdough leavening is a mysterious act of nature. It is nature's leavening agent. It was accidentally discovered a long, long time ago when flour and water was left out, causing a fermentation. The sourdough is kept alive in a starter pot and used again and again. On the American frontier, miner, trappers and pioneers carried a pot of sour-dough starter with them and guarded it. They took extreme care to protect their sourdough starters because it was dependable and a never-ending source of hotcakes, biscuits, bread and many other great baked items. Even though it is a heritage from the past, sourdough is still used through the world today. If you always keep a small sourdough sponge you will always be able to make a nice batch of bread. If taken care of properly your start will last for years and years.

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