Thursday, August 28, 2008


Potatoe Casserole - for about 20 people
4 lbs frozen hash browns
2/3 cup melted margarine
2 cans cream of chicken soup
2 pints sour cream
2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 cup onions
2 cups grated cheese (save some for top)
Mix together, put in large pans and cover. Bake for 45 min., add top of cheese and bake 15 min more. Serve and hope for the best!!
Quantities to Serve 100 People
Sugar--------------------------------3 lbs
Cream-------------------------------3 lbs
Whipping Cream-----------------3 quarts
Milk-----------------------------6 gallons
Fruit Cocktail----------------2 1/2 gallons
Fruit Juice-------------4 #10 cans (26 lbs)
Tomato Juice----------4 #10 cans (26 lbs)
Soup-----------------------------5 gallons
Oysters-------------------------18 quarts
Weiners----------------------------25 lbs.
Meat Loaf--------------------------24 lbs.
Ham-------------------------------40 lbs.
Beef--------------------------------40 lbs
Roast Pork-------------------------40 lbs.
Hamburger---------------------30-36 lbs.
Chicken for Chicken Pie-------------40 lbs.
Potatoes----------------------------35 lbs.
Scalloped Potatoes----------------5 gallons
Vegetables-------------4 #10 cans (26 lbs)
Baked Beans---------------------5 gallons
Beets-------------------------------30 lbs
Cauliflower-------------------------18 lbs.
Cabbage for slaw-------------------20 lbs.
Carrots----------------------------33 lbs.
Bread--------------------------10 loaves
Butter-----------------------------3 lbs.
Potato Salad-------------------12 quarts
Fruit Salad--------------------20 quarts
Vegetable Salad---------------20 quarts
Lettuce------------------------20 heads
Salad Dressing------------------3 quarts
Ice Cream----------------------4 gallons
Cheese------------------------------3 lbs
Olives------------------------1 3/4 quart
Pickles--------------------------2 quarts
Nuts-------------------------3 lbs. sorted
To serve 50 people, divide by 2
To serve 25 people, divide by 4
10 lbs sugar 1 gal water
9 46 oz can pineapple juice 2 gal Orange juice
1 qt. lemon juice 21-25 ripe bananas
Frozen strawberried to taste
Enough water to make 11 gallons
You'll need 22 1/2 gal milk cartons to freeze
Mix strawberried and water in blender, also do this to the bananas. Then add to punch mixture. Freeze for 2 days or more. Use equal amounts of 7up when mixing. Let thaw several hours to make it mushy. Use a 5 prong ice pick to chop mixture then add 7up mix with had mixer. Potato masher sometimes works.
For 100
2 1/2 lbs. sugar 1 qt water
2 cans pineapple 2 qts Orange juice
1 cup lemon juice 5 ripe bananas
4 square packages strawberries
enough water to make 3 1/2 gallons follow above directions

BBQ Beef to feed 150 people

55 lbs of beef - cut into 3"  sections, layer it in you roaster pan or dutch oven - layer of beef, salt, pepper and garlic salt - strips of green chili - sliced onions. Continue do that until all of beef is in the roaster pan. The last thing is to pour a can of coke-a-cola over the top.(The coke help tenderizes the meat) Set temperature at 350 when it starts cooking cook good lower the temp to about 250 degrees cook until the meat will fall apart. When the meat is remove the juice and set aside. Break the meat apart you may at that time need to add some of the meat juice back into the shredded beef so that it doesn't get to dry. Serve with you favorite BBQ Sauce

Cooked Pinto Beans to feed 150 people

20 cups of sorted Pinto Beans, add 11 quarts of water, put into a large roaster pan and cook until beans are good and tender. Start out at 350 then turn down to 250 and cook all day.  Season with salt and pepper. I like to add green chili, onions and salsa season to give it a hotter flavor. Or you can add a couple of ham hock or 1 lb of cut of bacon. All is wonderful.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Fruit leather

Wash fruit thouroughly, drain well, halve and pit. Measure fruit halves. For every cup of fruit add 1 tablespoon honey and 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice. Heat slightly in large kettle, then whirl in blender until smooth or put through food grinder.

Spread thick fruit puree on plastic wrap about 1/8 inch thick. Lay clean nylon netting over fruit if you are drying outside leave it off if you are using dehidorator. Whe leather feels firm to touch and is fry in center, peel ruit leather in one piece from plastic wrap. Place leather on a clean sheet of plastic wrap and roll up, plastic wrap and all into scrool-like package. Store in an air tight container.

To cook, dried fruits, soak in hot water until tender. For dried vegetable, soak 20 min. in 6 to 8 times as much water as dried material. Both fruits and vegetables should be simmered in the water used for soaking do not boil. If sugar is used, add it at the end of cooking process. Use in your recipes

Monday, August 25, 2008


Pinto Beans (Bottled)

Wash and sort beans. Put into each quart 1 cup of pinto beans and 1 teaspoon of salt add boiling water. Process in a pressure canner at 10 lb. for 60 min. You could add seasoning to your beans before adding water. (chili seasoning, onion flakes etc)

Peach Syrup
may use any fruit that you might have or would like as a syrup. Good for using up your older fruit.

1 qt peaches (puree in blender) or more depending on how much you want to make
Measure the amount of the puree and add an equal amount of sugar, plus 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Place in a large kettle and cook over medium heat and stir often to avoid scorching about 20 min. Pour into clean hot jars and seal. Water bath for about 20 min. or 10 min at 5 lbs with a pressure canner. The mixture well set to a soft jell when cool.

Canned Pumpkin Bread

Use your favorite recipe. Pour batter into greased wide mouth jars, filling them half full with batter. Bake 325 for 45-50 min. When done remove one jar at a time from oven. Cleaning edge place on lids and screw ring on firmly. It will seal as it cools.

Any cake or brownie recipe may used. Just vary cooking time for each. Wonderful to make ahead and given away for Christmas gifts.

Apple Butter

16 cups of thick apple pulp
1 cup vinegar
8 cups sugar
4 teas. cinnamon

This is good to use your older bottled apples. Puree in a blender or food processer. Combin all ingredients. Cook until mixture remains in a smooth mass when a little is cooled. (about 1 1/2 hours ) Stir often to prevent scorching. Pour into Jars seal while hot. Process in Hot water bath 20 min or in a Pressure canner 5 lb. or 5 min.

Canned Margarine

For two pints:

Place 2 lbs of margine (your favorite brand) in a rather small kettle. Melt slowly over low heat until it is all bubbly. Let it simmer for 5 min. DO NOT BOIL. Have 2 pints sterlized by placing in a heated oven. (turn oven off or keep at a very low temp. 250 degrees to keep them hot and dry until needed) Pour the hot margarine into hot jars. They should be full, make sure there is no margarine on rim of jar. Wipe rim with a clean wet cloth and put the new hot lid on the bottle and tighten ring. Set on paper towel or terry towel to cool. After you know it has sealed and is cooled it can be put in frig for a short time and turned often and it will not looked so separated. This will keep for several years. (Corn oil margarine preserves better than other and is better for you.)

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Mince Meat

2 1/4 lb. beef-boiled and ground 8 tsp. cinnamon
4 qts. apples, chopped 4 tsp. salt
1/2 pint suit, chopped or 1/4 lb butter 1 tsp allspice
5 pt. raisins 1 tsp mace
2 qts. sugar 1 tsp cloves
1 pt. molasses 4 tsp nutmeg
6 pt. apple cider vinegar Juice of 6 lemons
2 graded lemon rinds
Combine all ingredients and simmer at a low temperature for about 1 hour. Seal in jars or will keep in a jar in a cool place for some time. Process for 20 min. at 10 lb pressure. Alice Despain

Apple Pie Filling

4 cups of sugar
1 cup of corn starch
2 teas. of cinnimon
1/4 teas. of nutmeg
1 teas. salt
10 cups water
3 tbs. lemon Juice Opt.

Cook until thick and bubbly. Put raw apples in quart jars and fill with syrup. Makes 6 to 7 quarts. Waterbath for 20 min. or Pressure 10 min at 5 lb.

When you have peeled and sliced your apples and are waiting to put in jars add salt to your water to keep them from turning brown. Paula Hunt


A pressure cooker is recommended for precessing all meats as it gives a greater degree of safety. no not add liquids to meat packed raw. Pack meats loosely and only to within 1 inch of top of jar.


It is not recommended that you water bath your vegetables. It is much safer and quicker if you use a Pressure Canner for this process.


Friday, August 22, 2008

Canning Table for Fruit

How to make syrup

Make syrup according to sweetness desired to finished product. Boil sugar and water together until sugar is dissolved. juice of the fruit may be used in place of water. Keep syrup hot but do not let it boil down.

Thin --1 cup sugar --3 cups water
Medium --1 cup sugar --2 cups water
Thick --1 cup sugar --1 cup water

Thursday, August 21, 2008


  1. Arthritis tonic and treatment; 2 spoonfuls of apple cider vinegar and honey in a glass of water several times daily.
  2. Thirst quenching drink; apple cider vinegar mixed with cold water.
  3. Sagging cane chairs: Sponge them with a hot solution of half vinegar and half water. Place chairs out in the hot sun to dry.
  4. Skin burns: apply ice chold vinegar right away for fast relief. Will prevent blisters
  5. Add a spoonful of vinegar to cooking water to make cauliflower white and clean.
  6. Storing cheese: keep it fresh longer by wrapping it with a vinegar-dampened cloth keeping it in a sealed container.
  7. Remove stains from stainless steel and chrome with vinegar dampened cloth.
  8. Rinse glasses and dishes in water and vinegar to remove spots and film.
  9. Prevent grease build-up in your oven by frequently wiping with vinegar soaked cloth.
  10. Wipe jars of preserves and canned food with vinegar to prevent mold-producing bacteria.
  11. To eliminate mildew, dust and odors wipe down walls with vinegar soaked cloth.
  12. Clean windows with water and vinegar.
  13. Hardened paint brushes: put in boiling vinegar and wash in hot soapy water.
  14. Clean breadbox and food containers with vinegar-dampened cloth to keep fresh smelling and clean.
  15. Pour boiling vinegar down drains to unclog and clean them.
  16. Clean fireplace bricks with undiluted vinegar.
  17. An excellent all-purpose cleaner: vinegar mixed with salt. Cleans copper, bronze, brass, dishes, pots, pans, skillets, glasses, windows. Rinse well.
  18. Make your catsup and other condiments last longer by adding vinegar.
  19. To clear up respiratory congestion, inhale a vapor mist from a pot containing water and several spoonfuls of vinegar
  20. Apple cider vinegar and honey ad a cure-all: use to prevent apathy, obesity, hay fever, asthma, rashes, food poisoning, heartburn, sore throat, bad eyesight, dandruff, brittle nails and bad breath.
  21. When boiling eggs, add some vinegar to the water to prevent white form leaking out of a cracked egg.
  22. When poaching eggs, add a teaspoon of vinegar to the water to prevent separation.
  23. Weight loss: vinegar help prenent fat from accumulating in the body.
  24. Canned fish and shrimp: to give it a freshly caught taste, soak in a mixture of sherry and 2 tablespoons of vinegar.
  25. Add a spoonful of vinegar when cooking fruit to improve the flavor.
  26. Soak fish in vinegar and water before cooking for a tender, sweeter taste.
  27. Add vinegar to boiling ham to improve flavor and cut salty taste.
  28. Improve flavor of desserts by adding a tough of vinegar.
  29. Add a tablespoon of vinegar to fruit gelatin to hold it firm.
  30. Add vinegar to your deep fryer to eliminate a greasy taste.
  31. Steep your favorite herb in vinegar until you have a pleasing taste and aroma.
  32. Use vinegar instead of lemon on fried and broiled foods.
  33. To remove lime coating on your faucets; add vinegar to a cloths and rub off.
  34. To make a good liniment: beat whole egg, add 1 cup vinegar and 1 cup turpentine. Blend
  35. Apply vinegar to chapped, cracked skin for quick healing.
  36. Vinegar promotes skin health: rub on tired sore or swollen areas.
  37. Reduce mineral deposits in pipes, radiators, kettles and tanks by add vinegar to the system.
  38. Rub vinegar on the cut end of uncooked ham to prevent mold.
  39. Clean jars with vinegar and water to remove odor.
  40. Avoid cabbage odor by adding vinegar to the cooking water.
  41. Skunk ordor: remove from pets by rubbing fur with vinegar.
  42. Paint adheres better to galvanized metal that has been wiped with vinegar.
  43. Pets' drinking water: add vinegar to eliminate ordor and encourage shiny fur.
  44. For fluffy merinque: beat 3 eggs whites with a teaspoon of vinegar.
  45. Pie crust: add 1 tablespoons vinegar.
  46. Half of teaspoon per quart of patching plaster allows you more time to work the plaster before it hardens.
  47. Prevent discoloration of peeled potatoes by adding a few drops of vinegar to water. They will keep fresh for days in the fridge.
  48. Poiltry water: add vinegar to increase egg production and to produce tender meat.
  49. Preserve peppers: put freshly picked peppers in a sterilized jar and finish filling with boiling vinegar.
  50. Olives and pimentos will keep indefinitely if covered with vinegar and refrigerated.
  51. Add 1 tsp. vinegar to cooking water for fluffier rice.
  52. Add vinegar to laundry rinse water: removes all soap and prevents yellowing.
  53. After shampoo hair rinse: 1 oz apple sider in 1 quart distilled water.
  54. For a shiny crust on homemade bread and rolls, just fefore they have finished baking, take them out, brush crusts with vinegar, return to finish baking.
  55. Homemade sour cream: blend together 1 cup cottage cheese, 1/4 cup skim milk and 1 tsp vinegar.
  56. Boil vinegar and water in pots to remove stains
  57. Remove berry stains from hands with vinegar.
  58. Prevent sugaring by mixing a drop of vinegar in to cake icing.
  59. Cold vinegar relieves sunburn.
  60. Marinate tough meat in vinegar overnight to tenderize.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Kidney Cleanser

Juice of two lemons
1 tablespoon of Natural Apple Cider Vinegar
Enough water to equal 1 quart

For maintenance you should drink the full recipe about once per month. If you have a kidney stone you should make this recipe multiple times and drink all that you can get down for three or four days. It is supposed to dissolve kidney stones. Here again, it is food nothing wrong with drinking all you want.

Cough Syrup

This cough syrup takes care of sore throat with the first dose. You can take anytime you feel like you are getting sick. As you can see it is just stuff you have in the kitchen so it really wouldn't matter how much you take. You can also buy the Ntural Applecider Vinegar at Bashas in Taylor.

1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup Natural apple Cider Vinegar
1/2 cup warm water
1 tsp. cayenne pepper
1 tsp. ground ginger

Mix altogether. Refrigerate. Use 1 or more tablespoonsful. This works great for sore throat, upset stomach and the flu. It has a little bite but isn't bad.

Water Purification
Here is the water to chlorine bleach ratio:
2 drops per quart
2 drops per liter
4 drops per 2 liter
6 drops per 3 liter
8 drops per gallon
1/2 tsp. per 5 gallon
2 TB per 55 gallon

Ear Medicine
1/2 oz pure alchol
1/2 oz glycerine

Mix together, put in a bottle with a dropper. When ready to use warm slightly and put 2 to 3 drops in ear.

Mustard Poultice
1 tsp dry mustard
1 egg
1 tsp soda

Add enough flour to make a paste of spreading consistency. spread between 2 thin cloths and leave on for 2 to 3 hours

Modern Version of Pine Gum Salve

2 cups olive oil
3-4 oz raw pine gum
3.5 oz beeswax

Place all ingredients in top of double boiler, Cook over simmering water for about 2 hours. Strain through cheesecloth (about 3 layers). Pour into containers. Let cool, cover and label.

Some recipes require the sap to be melted and strained before it is combined with the oil. but it seems to be an extra step - why not just infuse the oil with the sap and strain it all at once.

Old Time Recipe for Pine Gum Salve (Pioneer)

This salve is good to heal sores and keep them from getting infected and it will draw out infection. it is good on sores on animals and for cows' udder, very healing

1 cup mutton tallow
1 cup sticky pine gum
1 stick camphor gum
1 oz carbolic acid

Melt mutton tallow, sticky pine, and camphor gum together. Stir to mix well. Remove from heat and add carbolic acid. Stir and cool. Put into jars

Cough Syrup

This is a natural cough syrup recipe you can make at home. And it is made from ingredients you likely have in your own household, perfect for the next time someone in your family has a sore throat.
Combine 2 tablespoons of honey with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. If you prefer a flavored cough syrup (or if your kids do!) you can add 1 teaspoon of frozen fruit concentrate to the mix. Makes a single dose.

Monday, August 18, 2008



You need: 1 roll of Bounty paper towels (cut in half and remove center, a serrated kitchen knife or a hacksaw works well), a container that will hold the paper towel half roll and fit all the way to the bottom (3 quart cylinder from Rubbermaid fits the cut jumbo roll of Bounty perfectly). Mix 1 cup warm water with 1 T. each baby oil and baby bath. Pour over the paper towels and after it has soaked in add one more cup warm water. For the jumbo roll increase the ingredients by 1/2, 3 cups of warm and 1 1/2 T of baby bath and baby oil to each half roll. We have saved lots of money on these and really like them. They are also great for in the car clean-up. Plus I think that it would be easy to store the ingredients for a long period of time.


1 cup corn oil (Romans use sesame or olive oil)
1 tablespoon of any liquid shampoo
1/2 teaspoon oil of rose, geranium or you favorite perfume or cologne

Pour oil, shampoo and scent into a bottle, leave shaking room. The shampoo breaks the oil into million of fine globules that cling to you seven million open pores. Just 2 tablespoon of this mixture in the tub of good warm water does wonders for dry skin.


Put one and a half cup of salt in your blender and turn it on high. Then turn it off and shake the container. Whip some more until it is absolutely pulverized into a fine, fine powder. Add a pound of bicarbonate of soda (plain old baking soda). Shake the blender and whip or until it's all mixed. Put half of the mixture in a jar. Add to the half left in the blender 1/8 oil of cloves. Blend some more OHHH what an aroma. Add 1/8 oil of wintergreen to the jar. Shake until well mixed. You have two differnt flavors to brush your teeth.


mix fine founds opsom salt, 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol, 1/2 box rit, 1/2 cup glycerin, 2 to 3 oz of cologne. Mix well. Leave in the pan to dry an hour or so, mixing every once in a while. Put in decorative containers to be use by you or you can give as a gift.


1 tablespoon Ammonia
1 tablespoon liquid detergent
2 cups water

Mix together and use for general cleaning. Put in spary bottle for touch-ups.

1 pint rubbing alchol
1 tablespoon ammonia
1 tablespoon liquid ditergent

Put ingredients in a one gallon bottle. Fill with water. For ease in use, transfer small quanities to a spray bottle as needed. Use on windows and mirrors.

1 cup vinegar
1/2 cup ammonia
1 gallon of water

Dry mix:
1 cup baking soda
1 cup table salt
1/4 cup cream of tartar

Store in container. To use put 1//4 cup in drain, add 1 cup water. Note cleaning bubbling action. When bubbling has stopped run water through drain.

Pour 1/2 cup baking soda down the drain, followed by 1/2 cup of vinegar. Then stop up the drain and let those two substances react on each other for awhile. Finnally, unstop the drain and run plenty of hot tap water.

Put salt and baking soda on a cloth. Baking soda solution will clean and deodorize all types of surfaces. Use dry soda to scour difficult spots. It will not scratch.

Staright bleach about 1 1/2 cups and a toilet brush.

Apache Nature Food

I will give you this exactly like it was given to me. Some of the plants I know what they are and where they are and some I am not sure.
Walnuts: Grow wild and used often in cooking
Acorn: A real survival food. Used for many things.
Juniper Berries: Boil and eat like raisins
Pinon Nuts: Really great nature food
Grass Nuts: (Papago Lily, Wild Onion) The bulb is boiled and eaten
Squaw Bush: Berries are dried and ground for juice and stems are chewed for headache medicineOther Plants used for Food
Wild spinach: Pick the leaves and clean it about 3 to 4 times. Boil and when done starin it and rinse it again. Squeeze out and put in balls until all is squezed out. Fry in shortening and salt
Narrow Leaf Yucca: Pick the blossom them clean and rinse it. Boil it until tender and soft just like sprout. Vegetable food.
Agave (Century Plant): (Mescal) The agave stalk and root can be roasted and the inner part eaten.
Stawberry cactus: (Porcupine Bedgelog) The fruit is edible and it makes good jelly.
Prickly Pear: (Megenta Blossom) The fruit is adible and it maks good jelly.
Sunflower: Edible food. The seeds are mixed with roated corn and eaten.
Milk Weed: The sap used to remove warts.
Greasewood: Leaves boiled into a tea and used for medicine for colds.
Manzanita: The berries are edible
Aspen: Inner bark made into tea
Wild Grapes: Especially god for wonderful jelly.
Yucca Fruit: (Apache Banana) Yellow when ripe. May be picked and allowed to ripen. Edible
Cattail: Take shortening or lard and mix the fluff fromt the cattail until you get a nice thick poulice. Good for burns. I know that this works because my Grandmother Porter use it.


Apache Nature Food

Ok, you may think this a bit extreme, but then on the other hand it might be something good to put into that memory bank somewhere. I will write the recipes exactly like it was given to me.

Apache Main Dish

Acorn Stew

Boil 2 pounds stew meat (venison or what you have). Add salt. When done, remove meat from the juice and put into a bowl. Now pound the meat between grinding stone until all is pounded on. Now using your fingers tear apart all pounded meat into small pieces. Into a enamel pan or glass dish sprinkle 1 cup ground up acorns. Mix well with juice, stirring with enamel spoon or wooden spoon. (Aluminun or stainless steel will turn food purple).

Beef Jery Tamale (or Venison Jerky)

Use dried beef or deer meat. Pound it until soft and then fry it with shortening and salt (1 tsp.) Make the dought with flour, salt and warm water. Knead and roll in balls about the size of palm. Pat it out and put in fried beef jerky, cover it with the dough. Put the tamale in boiling water for about 40 min. (Add chili to meat if desired).

Baked Bread

Put flour in bowl (about 8 cups). Add salt (approximately 2-3 teaspoons and baking powder about 1 tablespoons) Add warm water and knead until soft (approximately 15 min.). Have grease in pan. Throw bread in pan.Turn over so grease is on both sides. Bake for 20 minutes at around 400. Then turn bread over and bake another 15 minutes or so, until done.

Indian Fry Bread

Put flour in bowl (approximately 9 cups) Add salt (approximately 2 teaspoons and a tablespoon of baking powder). Add some powdered milk and about 1/2 cup shortening or melted oil. Roll into small ball and flatten out and fry.

Saguaro Fruit

An edible fruit that grows wild. Sometimes called a wild wheat (tl-oh-nghai). Can be used as yeast.


Bowl of flour (about 8 cups) About 2 tsp. salt. Approximately 1 tablespoon baking powder (some make them without baking powder) Add warm water and knead until nice and soft. Flatten out and set on grill or large heavy skillet and brown on both sides.
Indian Corn
Fresh Roast Corn
Take corn as it comes out of the field. Leave some of the husks on, take some off, and throw it into open bonfire or fireplace. Turn it or roll it over until done (keep turning). Eat it with salt or plain or with butter and salt.
Barbecued Corn
Barbecue the corn (like above) and then take the busks off and then take the corn off the cob and let it dry in the sun and store it when all dry. Use it for stew or with beans or just plain with fat. Sometimes it is good with ground acorns, also soup bone.
Corn Nuts
Dry soft white corn roasted over open flame in a skillet. Add salt. Add shortening (small amount) and stir occasionally until golden brown.
Corn Mush
Roast dry corn and grind it. Add salt into boiling water (a little shortening in also). Add ground corn a little at a time blending until mushy. Eat for cereal with a leiitl milk or rich milk like half and half. Also can be used for fried mush after it sets.
Parched Corn
Dry Sweet corn on the cob. When dry shuck off. Soak in salt water for 24 hours (1/2 cup salt to quart of hot water). Soaking is a must. Fry in hot oil. Cor will pop yellow. This is sold as "Crazy Corn" in the stores.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

72 hour food kit in a 1/2 gal milk carton

1 small box cereal
1 instant soup
1 5 oz vienna sausage or tuna
2 granola bars
2 hot chocolate packet
2 beef jerkey
12 hard candies
1 sm. pkg raisins
1 zip-lock baggie
4 instant oatmeal
1 8 oz pork & beans
1 5 oz pudding
4 cup-size pkgs gatorade powder
2 packets of pero or postum
10 sticks gum
1 1-oz bag m&ms
2 wet wipes packets
2 plastic spoons

1/2 gal milk cartons are perfect to store food in. The carton is about as bug-proof as you can get. Once it is cleaned, filled, and stapled at top. Top is then sealed in melted paraffin wax, and ready to store. It will even float! All of the above items will fit in a 1/2 gal milk carton.

Remember water is a must!!! Store water near your food kits. try to use instantfood with pull-off lids, or store can opener in carton. Use sealed food products to ensure freshness. Make adjustments to suit your needs and wants.

Here's a 72 hour food kit in a can

3 instant oatmeal packets
3 apple cidar drink
2 granola bar
2 refried bean packet (put in a ziplock baggie from your food supply)
2 cracker packet
3 soup mix
3 hot chocolate
2 dried fruit snack
1 potato pearl packet (put in a ziplock baggie from your food supply)
empty soup can (used to cook your food in)
1 styro foam cup
hard candy

All of this should fit in a #10 can that you can seal

Friday, August 15, 2008

72 Hour Kit

We all need to have a 72 hour kit to have just in case. Even Glenn Beck thinks that it is important.

The following items would be great for your kit:

(A three day supply of food and water, person, when no refrigeration or cooking is available)

  • Protein/Granola Bars
  • Trail Mix/Dried Fruit
  • Crackers/Cereals (for munching)
  • Canned Tuna, Beans, Turkey, Beef, Vienna Sausages, etc ("pop-top cans that open without a can-opener are ideal)
  • Canned Juice
  • Candy/Gum
  • Water (1 gallon/4 liters per person)


  • change of clothing (short and long sleeved shirts, pants, jackets, socks, etc.)
  • Undergarments
  • Rain Coat/Poncho
  • Blankets and Emergency Heat Blanks (that keep in warmth)
  • Cloth Sheet
  • Plastic Sheet


  • Battery Lighting (Flashlights, Lamps, etc. ) Don't forget batteries!
  • Extra Batteries
  • Flares
  • Candles
  • Lighter
  • Water-Proof Matches


  • Can Opener
  • Dishes/Utensils
  • Shovel
  • Radio (with batteries!)
  • Pen and Paper
  • Axe
  • Pocket Knife
  • Rope


  • First Aid Supplies
  • Toiletries (roll of toilet paper-remove the center tube to easily flatten into a zip-lock bag, feminine hygiene, folding brush, etc.
  • cleaning Supplies (mini hand sanitizer, soap, shampoo, dish soap, etc.) Immunization Up-to Date
  • Medication (Acetaminophen, ibuprofen, children's medication etc.) Prescription Medication (for 3 days)


  • Scriptures
  • Genealogy Records
  • Patriarchal Blessing
  • Legal Documents, (Birth/Marriage Certificates, Wills, Passports,Contracts, etc)
  • Vaccination Papers
  • Insurance Policies
  • Cash
  • Credit Card
  • Pre-Paid Phone Cards


  • Bag (s) to put 72 hour kit items in (such as duffel bags or back packs, which work great) Make sure you can lift/carry it.
  • Infant Needs (if applicable)


  1. Update your 72 Hour Kit every six months (put a note in your calendar/planner) to make sure that: all food, water, and medication is fresh and has not expired; clothing fits; personal documents and credit cards are up to date; and batteries are charged.
  2. Small toys/games are important too as they will provide some comfort and entertainment during a stressful time.
  3. Older children can be responsible for their own pack of items/clothes too.
  4. You can include any other items in your 72 Hour Kit that you feel are necessary for your family's survival.

Storage Containers

There are several different kinds of storage containers. If you are deciding to buy containers--shop around until you find somthing suitable for your needs. Containers can be collected from different places for a minimal charge.

The following items would be suitable to store your food in.

Plastic 5 gal bucket with sealable lid. I have even found them at Wal-Mart
#10 can that when you purchase food from the LDS cannery you can use them.
Milk Carton, Clorox bottles, milk jugs,
Bucket or bottles can be collected from school cafaterias, local cafe or bakeries
Gallon jar can be used for storing, but be careful glass breaks.

You can always use your imagination in finding items to store food in.

Be sure and label and date your storage items.

Do not use any containers that have had cleaning compounds in them. No matter how much you clean them, there may still be chemical residue in them that can be absorbed by food. The food may then absorb the chemical which in turn may cause illness or death to you family. You can't be too careful.

Places to buy your food storage

I try and buy from the places that is the most convenient for me. If you hear of a very good deal and you have to go clear across town or 2 or 3 hours to go to get just that item. That item becomes more expensive, because you have to add in the cost of gas, time and eating out. So I try and buy what I need when I am in that area. To keep track of what I might need, so that when I go into that store I don't over spend, I keep a list of the items that I need when I am at that pictular store and attach it to my frig. Remember to take the list with you when you go!!!!

The places that I shop are:
1. Grocery store. (watch your adds and coupons, sometimes there are some great buys)
2. Sam's Club
3. Costco
4. Smart-n-Final
5. Local LDS Cannery
6. Local Farmers or Farmers Markets

online= - no matter how much you buy the shipping is $4.49 GREAT DEAL

The important thing is to start somewhere. Find you system on how to get your food supply. What worked for me may not work for you. The point is, start some where and do something. With the price of fuel and the nature disasters that we have had around the country our food supply might become less of and prices will go up. The more that you do now the better help that you will give your family.

Remember also try not to waste, be thrifty and creative and use up your food when you cook. Get use to eating LEFT-OVERS!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Food Supply in a Year

This guide is just a suggestive guide. You may need to modify it to fit your needs and wants.


1 gal oil
50 lbs wheat
25 lbs pinto beans
8 lbs salt
25 lbs sugar
2 bottles multi-vitamins

25 lbs non-fat dry milk
50 lbs rice
14 gal water
2 bottles multi-vitamins

10 lbs split peas
25 lbs sugar
50 lbs wheat
6 lbs shortening
2 bottle multi-vitamins

100 lbs wheat
25 lbs pasta
2 bottles multi-vitamins


10 lbs misc. beans
10 lbs sugar
50 lbs oats
garden seeds
15 gal water
2 bottle multi/vitamins

A guide for a yearly Food Plan

The following guide for food storage is to help you get started and to provide some sort of a list of the things that you possibly might need to put away for your family. Keep in mind your families needs and what their bodies can tolerate. It is a good idea to have their bodies familiar to the following items. If they haven't eaten wheat and all of a sudden you start to use it on a daily basis then it might be hard on their bodies. So start to use your supply now on a daily basis.
The first things is to start with a 3 month supply and then on to a year supply.
Having a food storage and using out of it is the way that I have lived all of my life.
Keeping track or a tally of what you have used and then replacing it, is habits that is essential for a good food storage program. You can abtain a food storage easily by watching the adds in your local newpaper. Setting aside a certain amount of money just for food storage is a good idea. It would be fun to get your whole family involved as a team effort.
Food Supply for 1 adult
300-400 lb per adult
4 gal per adult
salad dressing
60 lbs per adult
16 lb per adult
Powder milk
60 lbs per adult
8 lbs per adult
14 gals. per adult
1 gal per adult a day
A good rule of thumb is to store what you eat, and eat what you store. The key to having a food storage is to rotate, rotate!!

Ranch wives

Both of my Grandmothers were rancher wives and so their income was not weekly, or every other week, or monthly, but theirs was once a year. After they sold their cattle in the fall. I remember going to town and buying and coming home with the back of the pick-up loaded with case goods that would last a year. They also had gardens that they would bottle hundreds and hundreds of food. Once a year they would butcher a beef and if they didn't have a freezer they would dry or bottle the beef for the coming winter months. They would get their fruit anywhere they could, either from a peddler or from a surrounding town that had fruit trees. We would always pick wild grapes in the canyon in the fall to make jelly. My granny's were very thrifty women. I admire their courage and strong mind. There was never a time when we didn't have something to do. If we were not being nice, then Granny would alway find work for us to do to keep us out of trouble. I remember when it got cold outside, Granny would always have a quilt that she would be working on.

Alice May Hunt Despain Alice Bowler Porter