Friday, August 15, 2008

Places to buy your food storage

I try and buy from the places that is the most convenient for me. If you hear of a very good deal and you have to go clear across town or 2 or 3 hours to go to get just that item. That item becomes more expensive, because you have to add in the cost of gas, time and eating out. So I try and buy what I need when I am in that area. To keep track of what I might need, so that when I go into that store I don't over spend, I keep a list of the items that I need when I am at that pictular store and attach it to my frig. Remember to take the list with you when you go!!!!

The places that I shop are:
1. Grocery store. (watch your adds and coupons, sometimes there are some great buys)
2. Sam's Club
3. Costco
4. Smart-n-Final
5. Local LDS Cannery
6. Local Farmers or Farmers Markets

online= - no matter how much you buy the shipping is $4.49 GREAT DEAL

The important thing is to start somewhere. Find you system on how to get your food supply. What worked for me may not work for you. The point is, start some where and do something. With the price of fuel and the nature disasters that we have had around the country our food supply might become less of and prices will go up. The more that you do now the better help that you will give your family.

Remember also try not to waste, be thrifty and creative and use up your food when you cook. Get use to eating LEFT-OVERS!

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