Wash fruit thouroughly, drain well, halve and pit. Measure fruit halves. For every cup of fruit add 1 tablespoon honey and 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice. Heat slightly in large kettle, then whirl in blender until smooth or put through food grinder.
Spread thick fruit puree on plastic wrap about 1/8 inch thick. Lay clean nylon netting over fruit if you are drying outside leave it off if you are using dehidorator. Whe leather feels firm to touch and is fry in center, peel ruit leather in one piece from plastic wrap. Place leather on a clean sheet of plastic wrap and roll up, plastic wrap and all into scrool-like package. Store in an air tight container.
To cook, dried fruits, soak in hot water until tender. For dried vegetable, soak 20 min. in 6 to 8 times as much water as dried material. Both fruits and vegetables should be simmered in the water used for soaking do not boil. If sugar is used, add it at the end of cooking process. Use in your recipes
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