Thursday, December 3, 2009

Peanut Butter Cheese Fudge

1/2 pound sliced easy-melt cheese (recommended; Velveeta)
1 cup butter
1 cup creamy peanut butter
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup chopped nuts
2 (16 oz ) boxes confectioners' sugar

Lightly spray the bottom of a 9x2 square pan with nonstick cooking spray. In a saucepan over medium heat, melt cheese and butter together, then add peanut butter and stir until smooth. Remove from heat and add vanilla and nuts.

Empty confectioners' sugar into a large bowl and pour cheese mixture over sugar. Stir until completely mixed. Candy will be very stiff.

Using your hands, remove candy from the bow and press evenly and firmly into the pan. Because of the amount of butter in this recipe, pat top of candy with a paper towel to remove excess oil. Place the pan in refrigerator until candy is firm.

To serve, cut into squares.


1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup softened butter
1/2 cup corn syrup
1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk

Mix all ingredients together in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave for 6 minutes on high. Pour into greased 8x8 dish and refrigerate for 45 min. to a hour. (Until they are hardened enough to cut into pieces.) Cut into pieces and wrap in wax paper. (Ben Franklin sells wax paper already cut into little pieces)

I love this recipe and I think that my Grannies would too. No standing at the stove stirring and watching the thermometer and being careful not to burn you Carmel's.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Potatoe Soup

6 potatoes, peeled and diced
1/2 onion chopped
1/2 lb bacon
1 can green beans

cut up bacon and brown, when brown add onions. When onions are tender add cubbed potatoes and a little salt. Add enough water to cover potatoes. When potatoes are done add the whole can of green beans. Add enough milk to make it creamy. Add about 2 tbs of butter. Make your final seasons with salt and pepper.

This recipe was given to me by my Grandmother Alice Despain

Meat Loaf

1 lb ground beef
salt to taste
pepper to taste
garlic salt to taste
1/2 cup quick oatmeal
1 can tomato sauce
1/2 chopped onion
1/2 cup chopped green chili
1 egg

Mix all together season bake 350 for about 1 hour. The last 15 min. pour some tomato sauce on the top. Good served with baked potato and veggie.

Cheese Noodles

1 cup cottage cheese
1 cup sour cream
1/2 grated onion or dehydrated
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1/2 to 3/4 tsp garlic salt
1 (6 oz package) eggs noodles cooked
1 cup grated Parmesan

Preheat oven to 350

Mix together cottage cheese, sour cream, grated onion, Worcestershire sauce and garlic salt. Add noodles and place in a greased casserole. Sprinkle top with grated Parmesan cheese. Bake for 45 min.


3 lbs pork or beef roast (I have even used bottle elk)
2 pods of garlic chopped
1 tbs cumin
1 small can chopped green chili
1 tbs salt (or to taste)
2 cups pinto beans
2 tbs chili powder
1 tsp oregano

Fry Bread or Flat Bread (For this recipe I cooked the fry bread with little or no oil. Kind of like a thick flour tortilla)
Put all ingredients in a large pan. Except for flat bread. Cook covered over low heat and add water as needed. After about 6 hours take meat off bones and break up roast. Cook with lid off until thick, about 1 hour. Serve over flat bread and top with grated cheese, shredded lettuce, chopped green onions, diced tomatoes and hot sauce if desires.

Note--If you are using bottle meat you need to use beans that are already cooked. Mix altogether and simmer until it thickens. This mixture is also good served on Fritos in stead of Flat bread.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monkey Bread

3 cans canned biscuits or from your Light bread recipe and roll into balls. Mix sugar and cinnamon in a bowl, roll balls in mixture and chopped nuts. Alternate above ingredients in bundt pan sprayed with Pan.

In a sauce pan mix 1 cube of butter, 1/2 cup brown sugar. Melt and mix. Pour mixture over dough and bake at 350 degrees (watch) turn out on to a cake dish. Let cool. Ready to eat.

Pumpkin Bars

1 cup brown sugar
1 cup pumpkin
1/2 cup oil
2 tsp vanilla
1 egg
2 cups flour
1 tsp soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp ginger

Mix all ingredients together. Place in a 9x13 pan. Bake in a 350 oven until a toothpick comes out clean about 25 min. You may add raisins nuts or chocolate chips. When cooled add cream cheese frosting on the top. Yummy

Sheppard Pie

1 lbs ground beef
1 can green chili
1 can tomato sauce
1 can green beans
onions chopped
red chili powder to taste [opt]
Mash potato

In a cast iron skillet brown meat, add onions cook until done.
Season with salt, pepper and garlic salt add..
green chili, tomato sauce, green beans
add red chili powder to the desire hotness remember that you have green chili as well.
Place in a casserole dish on the top place your mash potato on top, (this can be leftover potatoes or mash potatoes from a box.) add a little cheese on the top. Place in a 350 oven until it is hot and bubbly.

Pizza Dough

2 cups of warm water
2 tbs yeast
1 tbs sugar
dissolve the above

Add 1 1/2 tsp salt
5 cups flour

Mix until workable with hands. Will make 2 17" pizza crust. You don't not have to let this dough rise, you can start working with it as soon as it is done.

I like to make pizza in my cast iron pans.
Melt a little butter in bottom of pan, sprinkle corn meal in bottom.
Place you pizza dough in the bottom and spread with finger until it is the size of your cast iron pan.
I brush a little oil or butter on top of the dough sprinkle a little garlic salt and Parmesan cheese. Add my cheese next then veg and meat in that order. Then place my sauce on the top. That way the cheese doesn't burn.
When the pizza is done I then add a little cheese on the top until it is melted.

My family loved it.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Swedish Meatballs

1/2 cup bread crumbs
2/3 tsp salt
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1 egg
1/8 pepper
1 lb hamburger

Mix altogether and form into balls. Brown in a skillet, after all is lightly brown take meatball out of skillet with the leftover drippings add a little flour, to the flour add water and milk to make a rough or a gravy. Season to taste, place your meatballs back into gravy, place a lid over the skillet and let simmer until meatballs are done.

Dinner in One Pot

2 tbs oil
1 lb ground beef or turkey or stew meat is really good too.
1 tsp season salt
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp pepper
6 medium potatoes
2 large carrot peeled and sliced
1/2 cup white rice
1 large onion, thinly sliced
1 can tomato soup mixed with two cans of water

In a large skillet, heat oil and brown meat (lightly) with seasoned salt, garlic powder, and pepper until no longer pink. Drain and set aside.

In a crock pot sprayed with cooking spray, layer half the potatoes, all the carrots, uncooked rice, beef mixture, onions, and the other half potatoes. Pour tomato soup mixture over top. Cook on low 8 hours.

Light Bread

6 cups of warm water
3 tbs yeast
let this set until the yeast has become active then add:
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup of oil
1 tbs salt

enough flour (about 12 to 14 cups, maybe a more or maybe less) to make a good dough that you can handle. Place dough in a oiled bowl covered with a dish towel. Let it rise until double. You should have enough dough to make about 6 loaves of bread. Or 2 loaves of bread, a 9x13 pan of cinnamon rolls and a 9x13 pan of meat rolls.

Bake at a temperature of 350 for about 35 to 40 min. or until the loaves are a golden brown.

I use this same dough for:
Cinnamon Rolls
Sticky maple buns
Fry Bread
Meat rolls
Monkey Bread
Hamburger buns

This recipe is from my Grandmother Alice Bowler Porter only she would put the flour in a big bowl and make a well. She then put her yeast in a cake bowl size of warm water, when she add her yeast and water into the well of flour she added her sugar, oil and salt. With a lot of patience she gradually stirred in a circle fashion with a large spoon until enough flour had been added to the water to make a dough that was workable. She then turned the dough out onto a floured surface and kneaded the dough over and over again.

I still can remember standing at her kitchen table and watching her work her dough. It was like performing magic to me. I think that was where I first learn the love of making bread. It fascinated me then and it still does. I love making bread, but now I use the same recipe that my Grandmother use only I use a BOSH. I think of her when I make bread. She would have loved to have such modern equipment to make her bread, but then I think that she was probably in better shape. She had to use her own type of machine. (MUSCLES)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Robbi's Whole-Wheat Bread [Very good]

Pre-heat oven to 150 before starting

Put 6 cups of wheat flour in bosh mixing bowl

Add 2 tbs dry yeast and 1/2 cup wheat gluten

Add 4 cups warm water. Mix 1 min on #1 speed

Cover and let rest for 10 min.

Add 1/3 cup oil, 3/4 cup of honey and 1 tbs salt

Turn mixer on #1 speed and quickly add 6 cups of wheat flour adding 1 cup at a time, until it cleans sides of bowl.

Leave on #1 and let knead for 10 min. or 15 min if kneading by hand. Dough should be smooth and elastic.

Spray Pam on counter and hands. Turn dough out onto counter and form a square, Cut into 4 equal parts. I like to put about 1 1/2 lbs of dough into greased bread pan.

Put into oven 15- temp for 20 min. Then increase temp to 350 temp. and continue to bake for 30 min.

Butter or put Crisco on top when the bread is done to finish off.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


BAKING SODA (sodium bicarbonate): An all-purpose, non-toxic cleaner. Cleans, deodorizes, removes stains and softens fabrics.
BORAX (sodium borate): A natural mineral that kills mold and bacteria. An alternative to bleach, it deodorizes, removes stains and boosts the cleaning power of soap. Please note safety precautions at the bottom of this page.
CORNSTARCH: Starches clothes, absorbs oil and grease
HERBS and ESSENTIAL OILS: For disinfecting and fragrance
LEMON JUICE: Cuts through grease and removes perspiration and other stains from clothing.A bleach alternative.
SALT (sodium chloride): An abrasive
TOOTHPASTE A mild abrasive
VINEGAR (acetic acid): Cuts grease, removes stains and is an excellent water softener.
WASHING SODA (sodium carbonate): Cleans clothes, softens water, cuts grease and disinfects.
Increases the cleaning power of soap.

· To save time and money, make your cleaners in advance and buy the ingredients in bulk for cost savings and to avoid excess packaging..

· Make large batches of the recipes and store them in reusable airtight plastic containers and spray bottles. Using a pretty spray bottle or container makes cleaning days more fun and pleasant.

· Label all of your ingredients and keep them out of reach of children. While most of these all natural cleaners are not poisonous, some can be harmful or even fatal if swallowed by children or pets. See specific safety precautions at the bottom of this page.

· Add your favorite essential oils or herbs to any of these formulas for fragrance

Air Fresheners/Deodorizers:

1) Place cloves, cinnamon sticks, allspice or other favorite scented spice in a pot of water , simmer for 1-2 hours
2) Put a few slices of leftover orange or lemon rinds in a pot of water, simmer for 1-2 hours
3) Place baking soda in an open container of your choice. Good for closets, refrigerators and other small enclosed spaces
4) 2-3 slices of white bread absorbs refrigerator odors
5) Place lemon slices in an open bowl in the kitchen
6) Lemon and baking soda spray:Dissolve baking soda in 2 cups hot water, add lemon juice, pour into spray bottle, spray into air as air freshener
7) Place unscented kitty litter placed in bowls to absorb room odors
8) Vinegar in a cup or bowl rids rooms of odors
9) Charcoal placed in a bowl rids rooms of odors
10) Simply light a match for a few moments or burn a candle (scented or unscented). The flame from either will "eat-up" bad smelling gases in the air
11) Pour vanilla extract into a shallow dish and set in an out of the way place
12) Spin-Fresh Bathroom DeodorizerAdd a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil to the inside of the cardboard toilet tissue roll. With each turn, fragrance is released into the room.

All Purpose Cleaners:

1) Vinegar and Salt. Mix together for a good surface cleaner.
2) Baking Soda. Dissolve 4 tablespoons baking soda in 1 quart warm water for a general cleaner.
3) Baking soda on a damp sponge. Baking soda cleans and deodorizes all kitchen and bathroom surfaces.
4) Use liquid castile soap and baking soda or Borax in different ratios. Use a little soap and soda/borax with lots of water on floors, walls and counters. Use more soap, soda/Borax for tubs sinks, cat boxes, anything that can be well rinsed.
5) For a general, all-purpose cleaner, try a paste made from baking soda and water or mix salt and water with a little vinegar.
6) 3 tbsp. vinegar, 1/2 tsp. washing soda, 1/2 tsp. vegetable oil based liquid soap, 2 cups hot water. Mix ingredients in spray bottle or bucket. Apply and wipe clean.


1) Regular cleaning with plain soap and hot water will kill some bacteria.
2) Borax has long been recognized for its disinfectant and deodorizing properties. Mix 1/2 cup Borax into 1 gallon hot water or undiluted vinegar and clean with this solution.
3) Mix a half-cup of borax with 1 gallon hot water. Add a few sprigs of fresh thyme, rosemary or lavender. Steep for 10 minutes, strain and cool. Or add essential fragrant oils instead of fresh herbs. Store in a plastic spray bottle.
4) 2 tablespoons borax, 1/4 cup lemon juice, 2 cups hot water. Combine the borax and lemon juice with the water in a spray bottle. Use as you would any commercial all-purpose cleaner.
5) Isopropyl Alcohol is an excellent disinfectant. Sponge on and allow todry. Use in a well-ventilated area and wear gloves.

Glass Cleaners:

Windows and Mirrors:
1) Use undiluted vinegar in a spray bottle or
2) Equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle or
3) 1/2 lemon juice and 2 cups water in a spray bottle or
4) 1/2 cup vinegar or lemon juice, 2 cups water, 1/4 teaspoon vegetable oil based soap (such as Murphy's Oil Soap)
5) Mix 1/2 cup cornstarch with 2 quarts warm water. Apply with sponge then wipe with absorbent cloth or towel. Do not wash windows or glass when sun is on them or if they are warm. This causes the solution to dry too quickly creating unwanted streaks.
6) No-Streak Glass Cleaner: 1/4 cup white vinegar, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, 1 quart warm water Mix the ingredients and apply with a sponge or pour into spray bottle and spray on. Wipe dry with crumpled newspaper, buff to a shine. (Use crumpled newspaper instead of paper towels for lint-free results.
7) Rubbing alcohol is effective in place of glass cleaner.

Scouring Powders:

1) Use a non-chlorine scouring powder such as Bon Ami
2) Baking Soda or Dry Table Salt. These are mild abrasives and can be used as an alternative to chlorine scouring powders. Simply put either baking soda or salt on a sponge or the surface, scour and rinse.

Non-Abrasive Soft Scrubber:
1/4 cup borax Vegetable-oil based liquid soap (such as Murphys Oil Soap) 1/2 teaspoon lemon oil In a bowl, mix the borax with enough soap to form a creamy paste. Add lemon oil and blend well. Scoop a small amount of the mixture onto a sponge, wash the surface, then rinse well.

Bathroom Cleaners:

Toilet Bowl Cleaners:
1) Baking Soda and Vinegar: Sprinkle baking soda into the bowl, then squirt with vinegar and scour with a toilet brush. Cleans and deodorizes.
2) Borax and Lemon Juice. For removing a stubborn stain, like toilet bowl ring, mix enough borax and lemon juice into a paste cover the ring. Flush toilet to wet the sides, then rub on paste. Let sit for 2 hours and scrub thoroughly. For less stubborn toilet bowl rings, sprinkle baking soda around the rim and scrub with a toilet brush.
3)1 cup borax, 1/2 cup white vinegar. Flush to wet the sides of the bowl. Sprinkle the borax around the toilet bowl, then spray with vinegar. Leave for several hours or overnight before scrubbing with a toilet brush.
4) Denture tablets are an excellent substitute for toilet cleaner. Drop two tablets into the bowl and clean as you would with toilet cleaner.
5) Liquid castile soap and baking soda or Borax, scrub with a toilet brush.

Drain Cleaner:

For slow drains, use this drain cleaner once a week to keep drains fresh and clog-free.
1/2 cup baking soda
1 cup white vinegar
1 gallon boiling water
1/2 a used lemon
Pour baking soda down drain/disposal, followed by vinegar. Allow the mixture to foam for several minutes before flushing the drain with boiling water.

Tub And Tile Cleaners:

1) Baking Soda. Sprinkle baking soda like you would scouring powder. Rub with a damp sponge. Rinse thoroughly.
2) Vinegar and Baking Soda. To remove film buildup on bathtubs, apply vinegar full-strength to a sponge and wipe. Next, use baking soda as you would scouring powder. Rub with a damp sponge and rinse thoroughly with clean water.
3) Vinegar. Vinegar removes most dirt without scrubbing and doesn't leave a film. Use 1/4 cup (or more) vinegar to 1 gallon water.
4) Baking Soda. To clean grout, put 3 cups baking soda into a medium-sized bowl and add 1 cup warm water. Mix into a smooth paste and scrub into grout with a sponge or toothbrush. Rinse thoroughly and dispose of leftover paste when finished.
5) Rub the area to be cleaned with half a lemon dipped in borax. Rinse well, and dry with soft cloth.

Porcelain Cleaner:

Cream of Tartar.

To clean porcelain surfaces, rub with cream of tartar sprinkled on a damp cloth.

Plumbing Fixtures:
1) To clean stainless steel, chrome, fiberglass, ceramic, porcelain or enamel fixtures, dissolve 2 tbsp baking soda in 1 qt of water. Wipe on fixtures then rinse.
2) Vinegar and Paper Towels.
Hard lime deposits around faucets can be softened for easy removal by covering the deposits with vinegar-soaked paper towels. Leave the paper towels on for about one hour before cleaning. Leaves chrome clean and shiny.

Shower Heads:

1) Metal Shower Heads:To remove deposits which may be clogging your metal shower head, combine 1/2 cup white vinegar and one quart water. Then completely submerge the shower head and boil 15 minutes.
2) Plastic Shower Heads:Combine 1 pint white vinegar and 1 pint hot water. Completely submerge the shower head and soak for about one hour. Rust Stain and Hard Water Deposit Remover:Apply full-strength vinegar or lemon juice and let stand until spot disappears, rinse. Repeat if necessary. Mildew Remover: Dissolve half-cup vinegar with half-cup borax in warm water.

Lime Deposits:White vinegar

Kitchen Cleaners:

Oven Cleaners:
1) The first step is prevention. Put a sheet of aluminum foil on the floor of the oven, underneath but not touching the heating element.
2) Clean up the spill as soon as it occurs.
3) While the oven is still warm, sprinkle salt or baking soda on the spill. If the spill is completely dry, wet the spill lightly before sprinkling on salt. When the oven cools, scrape away the spill and wash the area clean.
4) Baking soda, water; salt; vegetable oil-based liquid soap. Sprinkle water on oven bottom. Cover with baking soda. Let sit overnight. Wipe off and apply liquid soap with scouring pad. Rinse.
5) Retard grease buildup in your oven by dampening your cleaning rag in vinegar and water before wiping out your oven.
6) Sprinkle/spray water followed by a layer of baking soda. Rub gently with a very fine steel wool pad for tough spots. Wipe off scum with dry paper towels or sponge. Rinse well and wipe dry.
7) 2 tablespoons vegetable oil-based liquid soap, 2 tablespoons borax: Mix the soap and borax in a spray bottle. Fill the bottle with hot water and shake well. Spray on oven and leave for 20 minutes. Scrub off.
8) LAST RESORT ONLY: Fill a small glass bowl with 1/2 cup full-strength ammonia, place in oven and close. Let stand overnight, then wipe loosened dirt with paper towels or newspapers. If necessary, rub surfaces with an abrasive, such as fine steel wool, then wash with warm soapy water and rinse. Repeat process if necessary. Provide plenty of fresh air and wear gloves.


1) To clean exterior and interior walls, dissolve 2 tbs. baking soda in 1 qt warm water and wipe all surfaces. For stubborn spots, rub with baking soda paste. Be sure to rinse with a clean, wet cloth. (This works well on other enamel-finished appliances as well.)
2) To clean interior fixtures, such as vegetable bins and shelves, wash in hot soapy water, rinse well and dry.

Counter Tops/Kitchen Surfaces:

Fragrant Kitchen Rinse

Use any of the following essential oils, alone or in a combination pleasing to you. Add 4 drops of oil to each pint of water. Pour into a spray bottle, store away cool dark place.

Use as a final rinse after cleaning kitchen

Pots and Pans:
1) Burned, and crusted on foods; Soak or boil a solution of 2 tbs. baking soda per qt of water in each pan. Let stand until particles are loosened, then wash as usual. Use a mild or moderate abrasive if necessary.
2) To clean a greasy pan easily, add 1 or 2 teaspoons of baking soda to the water in which it is soaking.

Copper pan cleaner:
Sprinkle surface of pans with coarse salt. Rub salt into stains with the cut half of a fresh lemon.

No-Stick Cookware:
To remove stains from non-stick surfaces, pour a solution of 1 cup water, 2 tbs. baking soda into a pan, simmer 5 to 10 minutes. Do not allow mixture to boil or to boil over the side of the pan. Wash in hot soapy water, rinse and dry. Apply a light coating of cooking oil.

Baking Dishes - Enamel, Ceramic or Glass:
Soak in hot soapy water, then scour with salt or baking soda and rinse thoroughly.Dishes:
1) Use liquid or powdered soap instead of detergents - which are petroleum-based. In dishwashers, use equal parts borax and washing soda.
2) Use Baking soda and liquid soap

Drinking Glasses:
1) Occasionally soak drinking glasses in a solution of vinegar and water to really get them clean. Makes them sparkle!
2) When a quick dip for crystal glassware is needed, prepare a solution of baking soda in tepid-cool water (l level teaspoon to a quart) and brush with a soft toothbrush. Very good for glass coffee makers and thermos jugs too.

Spot-free Dishwasher Rinse:
Add 1 cup of white vinegar to the rinse compartment of your automatic dishwasher. Wash dishes as usual.

Coffee/Tea Stains:
To remove coffee stains from cups or counters, rub with baking soda paste.Drain Opener and

Garbage Disposal Cleaner: For slow drains, use this drain cleaner once a week to keep drains fresh and clog-free. 1/2 to 1 cup baking soda1 cup white vinegar1 gallon boiling water1/2 a used lemon Pour baking soda down drain/disposal, followed by vinegar. Allow the mixture to foam for several minutes before flushing the drain with boiling water. Garbage Disposal:To eliminate garbage disposal odors and clean and sharpen blades, grind ice and used lemon and/or orange rinds until pulverized.

Kitchen Safety: Fire
1) Emergency fire extinguisher: if a greasy pan catches on fire, turn the heat off and try to cover the pan. Sprinkle powdered baking soda over the fire. (Fill a large coffee can with baking soda and keep it near the stove.
2) An oven fire is easily extinguished by closing the door after shutting off the heat.)

1) A great non-toxic carpet stain remover is club soda. Soak spot immediately with soda and blot until the stain is gone.
2) Pet Urine on Carpets: Dab area with toweling to absorb as much as possible, wash spot with liquid dish detergent, and rinse with 1/2 cup vinegar diluted in 1 qt warm water. Lay towels or paper towels over the spot and weight down to absorb excess moisture. Let stand 4 to 6 hours, then remove toweling, brush up nap and allow to dry completely. Use an electric fan to speed drying.
3) Red wine stains can be removed from carpet by rubbing baking soda in and vacuuming.
4) Sprinkle cornstarch onto carpet, vacuum.
5) To remove grease spots from carpets, first sop up the liquid with a sponge, then rub a liberal amount of baking soda into the spot. Let it absorb overnight. Next day, remove the excess and vacuum the area.
6) To remove grease spots from carpets, first absorb excess with a sponge, then rub a liberal amount of corn starch into the spot. Let sit overnight, then vacuum.
7) Dry cornstarch sprinkled on rug and vacuumed.
8) Carpet Fresher4 cups baking soda or cornstarch35 drops Eucalyptus essential oil30 drops Lavender essential oil 25 drops Rosewood essential oilor any combination of your favorite essentail oilsMeasure 4 cups of baking soda into a bowl, add essential oils. Break up any clumps that form, stir until well mixed. Before vacuuming sprinkle powder from a shaker type can or jar. Let it sit on the carpet for about 15 minutes then vacuum.
9) Herbal Carpet Freshener1 cup baking soda, 1/2 cup lavender flowers Crush the lavender flowers to release their scent. Mix well with baking soda and sprinkle liberally on carpets. Vacuum after 30 minutes.
10) Sprinkle baking soda on carpets before vacuuming for a natural rug deodorizer

Furniture Polish and Scratch Covers:
1) This polish should to be made fresh each time you use it.
1 lemon1 teaspoon olive oil1 teaspoon waterExtract the juice from the lemon. Mix with oil and water.Apply a thin coat on your wood surface and let sit for five minutes. Use a soft cloth to buff to a deep shine.
2) Use 3 parts light mineral oil and 1 part olive oil and a drop of lemon juice.
3) Use a little olive or lemon oil and some beeswax.
4) Hide wood scratches by rubbing with the meat of a walnut.
5) Use a soft cloth and wipe with a bit of mayonnaise.
6) Rub furniture with a cloth dipped in cool tea.
7) Mix 2 parts olive oil with 1 part lemon juice. Apply mixture to furniture with a soft cloth and wipe it dry.
8) 1/8 cup linseed oil, 1/8 cup vinegar, 1/4 cup lemon juice. Mix ingredients, using soft cloth, rub into wood.
9) To remove water stains on wood furniture, dab white toothpaste onto stain. Allow the paste to dry and then gently buff off with a soft cloth.

Floor Cleaners:
1) A pencil eraser removes heel marks from a floor.
2) For greasy, no-wax floors:
1 cup vinegar1/4 cup washing soda1 tablespoon vegetable oil-based liquid soap2 gallons hot waterCombine all ingredients, stirring well to dissolve the washing soda. Mop as usual.

Metal Cleaners:
Silver:1) Use toothpaste instead of toxic silver cleaner to clean and brighten even your best silver. Use an old soft bristled toothbrush and warm water.
2) Rub with a paste of baking soda and water.
3) To magnetize tarnish away, soak silver in salted water in an aluminum container; then wipe clean.
4) Soak in boiling water, baking soda, salt, and a piece of aluminum foil.
5) When a quick dip for silverware is needed, prepare a solution of baking soda in tepid-cool water (l level teaspoon to a quart) andbrush with a soft toothbrush.

1) Mix equal parts salt and flour with a little vinegar, then rub.

1) Rub with undiluted vinegar.

1) Rub with lemon juice and salt, or hot vinegar and salt.Stainless

1) Rub with a paste of baking soda and water.

Automotive Cleaners and Care:
Windshield Wiper Frost Free Fluid Mix 3 parts vinegar to 1 part water and coat the car windows with thissolution. This vinegar and water combination will keep windshields ice and frost-free.

Car Soap1/4 cup vegetable oil based liquid soap, and hot water. Mix in pail. Wash your car on the lawn instead of your driveway to reduce runoff to the street or storm sewer.

Car Wax1 cup linseed oil, 4 tbsp. caranuba wax (available at automotive stores), 2 tbsp. beeswax, and 1/2 cup vinegar. Put ingredients in top half of a double boiler or saucepan. Heat slowly until wax has melted. Stir, and pour into a heat resistant container. After wax has solidified, rub it on the car with a lint-free cloth. Saturate a corner of a cotton rag with vinegar and polish the wax to a deep shine.

Miscellaneous Cleaners:

Candles/Wax:Sponge with a piece of cotton dipped in rubbing alcohol. Decals/Gummed Labels/Price Tag Remover:

Use vinegar. To remove non-slip appliques and strips from bathtubs, saturate a cloth or sponge and squeeze hot vinegar over decals. Vinegar also removes stick-on hooks from painted walls. Saturate a cloth or sponge with vinegar and squeeze the liquid behind the hook so that the vinegar comes in contact with the adhesive. In addition, vinegar can be used to remove price labels and other decals from glass, wood, and china. Paint the label or decal with several coats of white vinegar. Give the vinegar time to soak in and after several minutes the decal can be rubbed off. (NOTE: Use these methods only on washable surfaces and washable paint)

Grease Cutters:1) Use lemon juice, vinegar, or sprinkle with borax and scrub with scrub brush.2) 1/2 tsp. washing soda, 1/2 tsp. vegetable oil-based liquid soap, 3 tbsp. vinegar, and 2 cups hot water. Mix in spray bottle, spray and scrub, wipe clean.

Paint Brushes:Soften hard paintbrushes in hot vinegar for a few minutes. Then wash paintbrush in soap and warm water and let dry.

Rust Remover:
1) To remove rust from tin-ware, rub with a peeled potato dipped in a mild abrasive such as baking soda or salt.
2) Aluminum Foil. Briskly scrub rust spots on car bumpers with a piece of crumpled aluminum foil, shiny side up.

Shoe Polish/Care/Deodorizer:
1) Cold Pressed Nut Oil, Olive Oil, Walnut Oil, or Beeswax: Apply oil/wax to leather then buff with a chamois cloth to a shine.
2) Lemon Juice. Good for black or tan leather shoes. Follow by buffing with a soft cloth.
3) Vinegar; Remove water stains on leather by rubbing with a cloth dipped in a vinegar and water solution.
4) Petroleum Jelly. A dab of petroleum jelly rubbed into patent leather gives a glistening shine and prevents cracking in the winter.
5) Vinegar. To shine patent leather, moisten a soft cloth with white vinegar and wipe clean all patent leather articles. The color of the leather may be slightly changed.
6) Art-Gum Eraser and Sandpaper or Emery Board.Dirt marks on suede can be rubbed out with an art-gum eraser. Then buff very lightly an emery board.
7) Add a shine by polishing it with the inside of a banana peel, then buff.

Shoe/Sneaker Deodorizer6 Tbsp Cornstarch3 Tbsp Baking Soda
20 drops Rosemary essential oil
20 drops Tea Tree essential oil5 drops Lemon essential oil
5 drops Clove essential oil

Mix all, then put 1-2 Tablespoon in each shoe/sneaker and rub it in. Allow the powder to sit in the shoe overnight.

Stain and Spot Removers:
1) Concrete Grease Spot Remover: To remove grease from concrete flooring sprinkle dry cement over grease. Allow it to absorb the grease, then sweep up.
2) Ink Stains: Use a non-aerosol hair spray to remove ink stains.Tar Remover:Food grade linseed oil. Wet rag with linseed oil and rub hardVinyl Cleaner: 1 tsp. to 1/4 cup washing soda, and 1 cup boiling water. Dissolve the washing soda in the boiling water. Apply with sponge, wipe off with a damp cloth.

Wallpaper Cleaner:
1) Roll up a piece of white bread and use it to "erase" marks on wallpaper

Fleas and Ticks
Wash pets with castile soap and water, dry thoroughly, apply an herbal rinse made by adding 1/2 cup fresh or dried rosemary to a quart of boiling water (steep for 20 minutes, strain and cool. Spray or sponge onto pets hair, massage into skin. Let air dry, do NOT towel dry as this removes the residue of the rosemary.
1) Mix equal parts boric acid with flour , sprinkle around cracks and crevices or
2) Mix equal parts boric acid with sugar, sprinkle around cracks and crevices or
3) Mix equal parts boric acid with corn meal, sprinkle around cracks and crevices or
4) Diatomaceous earth (pure silica): sprinkle around flours, cracks and crevices or
5) Cucumber peels: set out on counter tops overnight to repel roaches or
6) Mix Borax with a little brown sugar and flour and sprinkle behind appliances, under sink, and in corners. Cockroaches carry the mixture back to their nests or
7) Heloise's Famous Roach Recipe:
1/4 cup shortening1/8 cup sugar8 oz. boric acid1/2 cup flourAmple water to form a doughMix all, form small balls of dough and set out in open plastic sandwich bags (to retain moisture longer, when hardened, replace with new dough)

CAUTION: Boric Acid and borax can be toxic to small children and pets, keep well out of their reach and inform other household members of the whereabouts and purpose of the borax and boric acid dough and/or powders. Always refer to safety precautions on the package.
Flies:Shoo-Fly Potpourri2 cups lavender flowers1 cup rosemary1 cup southernwood1/2 cup spearmint1/2 cup santolina1/4 cup pennyroyal1/4 cup tansy1/4 cup mugwort1/4 cup cedarwood chips10 yellow tulips3 Tbsp orris root

Moths:Use cedar chips, shredded newspapers, lavender flowers...moths don't like the smell.

1) Buy a "Have-a-Heart" mouse trap, catch the little guys alive and unharmed and set them free far from your or anyones else's home
2) Keep a cat/cats to deter mice from even thinking about taking up residence
3) Keep things clean! No food left out for the little guys to eat. Food, after all, is why they entered your home to begin with. They are not there to disgust you or make your life miserable, they just want something to eat! Don't oblige them.

CAUTION: Boric Acid and borax can be toxic to children and pets, keep well out of their reach and inform other household members of the whereabouts and purpose of the borax and boric acid dough and/or powders. Ammonia should also be used with caution. Always refer to safety information and precautions on the package.

Window Cleaner
2 Table spoons Clear Ammonia
1 Pint Rubbing Alcohol
Mix together. No need to dry. Save even More? Use your old dryer sheets to clean the windows with.

Cleaner for Walls
1 Quart hot water
1 cup Baking soda
1cup vinegar
Dissolve soda in water and add vinegar. Great for crayon removal.

Fabric Softener for Dryer
1 Sponge cut in ¼ ‘s
1 Cup Downy or other liquid fabric softener
4 Cups Water
Cut sponge into 4 sections. Mix downy and water. Store sponge in mixture, drain one sponge for each load of laundry. Put sponge in dryer with clothes. When load is done put sponge back into the mixture to use again.

Laundry Soap
4 Cups hot tap water1 Fels-Naptha soap bar
5 Cup Washing Soda ½ Cup Borax - Grate bar of soap and add to saucepan with water. Stir continually over medium-low heat until soap dissolves and is melted.-Fill a 5 gallon bucket half full of hot tap water. Add melted soap, washing soda and Borax. Stir well until all powder is dissolved. Fill bucket to top with more hot water. Stir, cover and let sit overnight to thicken.-Stir and fill a used, clean, laundry soap dispenser half full with soap and then fill rest of way with water. Shake before each use. (will gel)-Optional: You can add 10-15 drops of essential oil per 2 gallons. Add once soap has cooled. Ideas: lavender, rosemary, tea tree oil.-Yield: Liquid soap recipe makes 10 gallons.-Top Load Machine- 5/8 Cup per load (Approx. 180 loads)-Front Load Machines- ¼ Cup per load (Approx. 640 loads

*Powdered Laundry Detergent- Top load machine *1 Fels-Naptha soap bar1 Cup Washing Soda½ Cup Borax-Grate soap or break into pieces and process in a food processor until powdered. Mix all ingredients. For light load, use 1 Tablespoon. For heavy or heavily soiled load, use 2 Tablespoons. Yields: 3 Cups detergent. (Approx. 40 loads)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Swedish Meatballs

1/2 bup bread crumbs
2/3 tsp salt
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1 egg
1/8 tsp pepper

Add to 1 lb of hamburger. Shape into balls. Brown in a skillet after browed remove meatballs with dripping make a gravy. Season gravy with salt and pepper, add meatballs and simmer low until done.

I got this recipe from Aunt Jean Despain Porter (My dad's sister)

Chicken and Rice Casserole

2 cups of chicken (cooked)
2 cups min rice or 2 cups of regular cooked rice
graded cheese
2 cans of mushroom or chicken soup
2 small pkg broccoli cut up

Mix in bowl with a handful of cheese put in casserole dish and top with cheese. Bake 350 for 30 min with min. rice 350 for 20 min. with regular rice.

Meat and Potatoe Casserole

In bottom of pan rub with butter. Layer potatoes that have been sliced, onions and meat (you could use hamburger or stak) Salt and Pepper as you go top with 1 can mushroom soup and 1/2 can of water.

Bake 350 for 1 hour or until done.

A favorite of my mother, Mable Porter Despain

Monday, August 3, 2009

Chicken Potato Bake

1 cup dry bread crumbs
1/2 cup flour
2 tsp salt
2 tsp paprika
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp subbed sage
1 tsp of organo
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp celery seed
1/2 tsp dried parsley flakes
1/4 tsp garlic powder
3 1/2 to 4 lb. chicken pieces skin removed


1 tsp veg oil
1 tsp seasoned salt
1 tsp dried parsley flakes
1/2 tsp paprika

Mix first ing. Together roll chicken in dipped in in oil. Arrange in a baking dish. Prepare potatoes and season with 2nd ing. Bake in a 350 oven until chicken and potatoes are done.

Easy Chicken Enchiladas

2 tbs onions diced (opt)
1 tbs butter
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can milk
1 small can green chili
1 can of chicken or left over chicken
1 pkg. corn tortillas
Long horn cheese (cheddar cheese)

Saute onion and butter in frying pan. Add soup, milk, and chilies, chicken. Let simmer until well blended. Layer mix and tortillas and cheese in casserole pan. Let cook in oven approx 20 min. until cheese is melted.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Won Ton Chili Rellenos

2 lbs hamburgers
2 med onions
1 clove garlic
1 1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp oregano
8 0z diced chili
4 cups graded cheese

Pkg 24 - Egg Rolls wrappers

Brown meat, drain and add onions. Cook until onion are tender. Add next 5 ing. stir. Add cheese and mix together. Put 3 tbs of of meat mixture on a egg roll wrap cross ways. Wrap cross ways. Wet finger seal ends. Fry in oil

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spaghetti, Pie

6 oz spaghetti
2 tbs butter
1/3 cup Parmesan cheese
2 well beaten eggs
1 lb hamburger
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/4 cup chopped pepper
1 8 oz can (1 cup) cut up tomatoes
1 6 oz can tomato paste
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp garlic salt
1 cup cottage cheese
1/2 cup mozzarella cheese

Cook spaghetti according to pkg. drain. Stir in butter, stir in Parmesan cheese and add eggs. Form spaghetti mixture in a 10" pie plate.

In skillet cook remaining ingredients add tomatoes and spices after meat and veg are tender.
Spread cottage cheese over bottom of spaghetti crust. Fill pie with tomato mixture. Bake 350 for 20 min.. Sprinkle the mozzarella on top. Bake 5 min or until cheese milts.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Make your own marshmallows with this recipe from ingredients from your food storage. Keep an eye on the mixer while beating because the marsheallow misture tends to "walk" up the beaters.

Prep time: 30 min.

  • 3 envelopes of unflavored Knox gelatin
  • 1/2 cup cold water
  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • 2/3 cups corn syrup
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1 tbs vanilla extract
  • confectioners' sugar for dredging and molding
  1. In a bowl or a bowl of an electric mixer, sprinkle genalin over 1/2 cup cold water. Soak for 10 min.
  2. Combine sugar, corn syrup, and 1/4 cup water in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil hard for 1 min. Pour boiling syruip into gelatin and mix at high speed. Beat for 12 min. Add vanilla and incorporate into mixture. Scrape into a 9x9 pan dusted with powered sugar and spread evenly. After pouring in to bowl dust top with powder sugar. You can also put powdered sugar into a cake pan, spread evenly. Take a plastic egg that your kids have and press into powdered sugar to make molds. You then drop marshmallow mixture into molds.
  3. Let misture sit until it has set up. Remove from pan, dredge the marshmallow with powder sugar and cut into 12 equal pieces with scissosrs.
  4. You can melt dipping chocolate and spread over the top. These are very good. I think better than the ones that you buy at the store.

Monday, March 9, 2009


1/2 lb hamburger -- brown
1 qt tomatoes
1 can tomatoe sauce
1 tsp Italian season
1/2 tsp garlic salt

Layer cottage cheese ,mozerella cheese and sauce between uncooked lasagne noodles. Bake 1 hour at 375 uncovered. You will have a good dish. The noodles will soften as it cooks.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Bean Mistake Surprise

1 cup dry pinto beans
1 medium onion diced
1 meduim can white hominy

3/4 - 1 lb diced pork
1 can El Pato hot sauce
all the green chile you can stand

t tbs olive oil
1 tsp. cumin powder
3 minced garlic cloves
1 tsp. dried orgeno
1/2 tsp. cayenne powder
1/2 tsp. salt

Soak beans over night. Drain. Add to crockpot with 4 cups water, Add onion, garlic, olive oil and pork, Cook on high for 3-4 hours till beans are tender. Add everything else and cook another hour or so. Serve with sopapillas or your favorite crusty bread.

Monday, February 23, 2009

What can be sprouted

Wheat sprouts is length of seed (about 2 days). Mung beans is 1 1/2 - 3" long, Alfalfa is 1 - 2" long, Soy bean or pea sprout is 2" long.

Eat while still in sprout stage
Fenugreek -------------------------Dried Beans
Mung Beans ------------------------Sunflower seeds
Soy Beans --------------------------Garbanzos - chick peas
Lima Beans-------------------------Buck Wheat
Wheat------------------------------ Pinto Beans
Eat when green leaves form

Tray Method

Use a perforated tray (plastic mesh screening). Place it on another tray to catch the drippings. Cover it with a clean, damp cloth. Arrange the presoaked seeds on it, one layer deep, and cover with another damp cloth. Several times a day remove the top cloth, rinse the seeds with a spray of water or under the tap, and cover again with a damp cloth. Always keep tray and cloths very clean.


Alfalfa sprouts should be covered with clear plastic or glass and placed in the light when the shoots are about one inch long and you can see two tiny, pale leaves on top of each. The leaves will turn green in one to two days and the sprouts are ready for the salad bow.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

How to Sprout

  1. Buy seeds intended for eating or sprouting.
  2. Select small quantities of healthy, unbroken seeds.
  3. Place seeds in a wide mouth quart jar. Cover the top with a piece of cheesecloth--fasten securely with a rubber band or canning lid band. Rinse the seeds (through the cheese cloth) several times. Then fill the jar with water. Let stand in a warm place overnight.Drain thoroughly, then rinse the seeds and drain again. (Use pure luke warm water for all rinsing.) Leave the jar upside down for a minute or two.
  4. Place the jar on its side so the seeds from a layer.
  5. Store in a warm dark place (68-75). Three or four times daily, rinse then drain the seeds and return the jar to the dark place.

It is important to keep the seeds moist but not wet. If sprouts seem dry, rinse more frequently. If they get too wet they will rot. Also keep the container in a well-ventilated, warm, dark area.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Ways to use Sprouts

Soups - Add just before serving. Rye sprouts taste like wild rice.
Casseroles - Add just before serving.
Salads - Let the sprouts get their first tiny primary green leaves and toss with any salad.
With eggs - In omelets, souffles, or scrambled eggs.
Grind sprouts in meat grinder and add to the final kneading of breads or stir into muffin, waffle, and pancake batter.
Eat rye and wheat sprouts as a snack, like peanuts.
In sandwiches - spread as a crunchy replacement for celery and lettuce.
Stewed - with tomatoes
As a vegetable - stewed, steamed, sauteed or baked.

Most sprouts should never be cooked more than 5 - 6 minutes, or the taste, texture and nutritional value may be lost. Soybeans may need an extra 20 min.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Most people are familiar with sprouts in Chinese cooking, but they have been discovered by nutritionists, who find them as rich as tomatoes and grapefruit in Vitamin C. They contain enough protein and vitamins as to be considered a complete food. Many of the sprout proteins are predigested for they are converted to amino acids during the sprouting, and the starches are converted to sugars, making the sprouts a quick-energy food. These facts about sprouts vary with the type of seed sprouted.

Sprouted seeds are the best source of vitamins after sea vegetation. Besides vitamin B Complex they contain vitamin D, C, and vitamin E. Sprouted seeds are rich in unsaturated fat which doesn't create high cholesterol. Sprouts are low in calories.

There are many seeds good for sprouting such as dry beans (Lima pinto, kidney, navy,) mung beans, wheat, alfalfa, soybeans, lentils, barley, buckwheat, fava, corn, dill, flax, fenugreek, gargansos (thick peas), lettuce, millet, pumpkin, peanuts, onions, oats, red beet, safflower, sunflower, garden peas, mustard, cress, black and red radishes, purslane, chia, unhulled sesame, red clover and rye, DON'T BUT SEEDS TREATED WITH FUNGICIDES. The package gives this information. Treated seeds can be harmful.

You can eat the whole sprout, seed, root, hull and roots (if they develop). But many people prefer to remove the hulls. To do so, stir the sprouts vigorously in a bowl of cold water. Skim away the husks that rise to the top or collect at the sides. Repeat rinsing several times. Refrigerated in a plastic bag with slight moisture, sprouts will keep for 8 to 10 days, and they can even be frozen for 2 - 3 months.

Use fresh sprouts just as you do canned ones. To keep crunchiness, cook these "teeth vegetables: as the Chinese should be cooked before eating.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Scrambled Eggs

for six eggs

1 cup sifted dried whole egg
1 cup water
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup milk
1 1/2 tbs butter or margarine or bacon fat

Sprinkle dried egg over water and blend. Add salt and milk and mix. Melt fat or butter in frying pan. Pour egg mixture into pan and cook slowly and stir continuously until dry and crumbly.

Dried Eggs

Directions: Mix 1 part whole powdered eggs with 3 parts water.

Recommended for use in all types of cookies, cakes, pies, sweet goods, and wherever liquid whole egg are required.

Be sure that dishes having dried eggs in them are thoroughly cooked. Follow the directions in recipes carefully. Give particular attention to the methods and time of cooking. In general, thorough cooking of food preparation using dried eggs is best accomplished by baking.


Store cans of dried whole eggs in the refrigerator (after breaking seal) or other cool place. Keep cans closed tightly.

Dried eggs may be used in two ways

1. Reconstitute with water. Mix only the amount of dried egg needed for the recipe being prepared. Sift and measure the dried egg, using level measurements.

2. Combine with dry ingredients. Sift and measure dried egg before combine with other dry ingredients, using level measurements.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ricotta Cheese

Homemade Fresh Ricotta

Yield: 4 cups
Preparation Time: 45 minutes
1 gallon whole pasteurized milk
1/3 cup plus 1 teaspoon distilled white vinegar
1/4 teaspoon salt (more if you want a saltier taste and if you are not going to use it for desserts)

Rinse the inside of the pot you intend to use with cold water (this helps prevent the milk from scorching). Place 1 gallon milk in large, heavy non-reactive pot on medium heat. Add salt and stir briefly. Allow milk to heat up slowly, stirring occasionally. Soon you will notice steam start to form above the surface and tiny bubbles appearing on the milk. You want it to reach 180-185 degrees, near scalding temperature, just before it comes to a boil. Check the temperature with your thermometer.
When it reaches the correct temperature, take the pot off the burner, add the vinegar and stir gently for only one minute. Add salt. You will notice curds forming immediately. Cover with a dry clean dish towel and allow the mixture to sit undisturbed for a couple of hours. You can also begin preparing your ricotta in the morning before going to work and let it sit until you come home.
When the ricotta has rested for 2 hours or more, take a piece of cheesecloth, dampen it and place it inside a colander. With a slotted spoon, ladle out the ricotta into the prepared colander. Place the colander with ricotta inside of a larger pan so it can drain freely. Let it drain for two hours or so depending on how creamy or dry you want your cheese to be.
Lift the cheesecloth up by the four corners and twist gently. If the liquid runs clear, squeeze a little more. If the liquid runs milky, there is no more need to squeeze. Place in a tight sealed container. Refrigerate. It will keep for up to 7 days. Ricotta does not freeze well.

I would advise against the use of low fat or part skim milk in making the ricotta. The flavor comes from the cream in the whole milk. For desserts, add 1 pint heavy whipping cream along with the milk. I use this variation when I am making ricotta for a dessert filling such as cannoli, cassata, or cream puffs. It is richer, creamier, and a bit more decadent.

Cottage Cheese

How To Make Cottage Cheese

Homemade Cottage Cheese Recipe

Things Required:
1 liter milk (either full cream or toned)
½ tsp lemon juice or citric acid
½ cup water
A clean muslin cloth
Take a large pan and put milk in it. Place it on medium flame and bring to a boil.
Take a cup of warm water and dissolve the citric acid or lemon juice in it.
Pour this mixture onto the boiling milk and keep stirring.
Lower the flame and continue stirring till the milk gets thickened.
Once the curd chunks start floating in the yellowish whey/milk plasma and gets completely separated, remove the bowl from the heat.
Next, strain or filter the mixture through a clean muslin cloth.
Tie the cloth with the curdled pieces inside it so that it forms a pouch.
Place this tied pouch under tap water for two minutes.
Now, remove the excess water and hang the cloth for about 20 minutes, so that the whey is completely drained out.
Take a heavy object and place it on top of the pouch, to form a slab.
Finally, take out the slab and cut small cubes out of it or simply scrape it into thick pieces.

Hard Cheese

Step 1.....Use 1 gallon fresh or morning milk or 1 gallon milk from evening before
Step 2.....Warm to 86 degree
Step 3.....Add color, using 1/8 tablet per gal. Dissolve in 2 tbs water
Step 4.....Add rennant solution to warm milk (never mix cheese color into rennant solution)
Step 5.....Let set for 30-40 min testing for firmness of surd (Keep away from draft)
Step 6.....Cut vertically with a long knife -- then cut at another angle
Step 7.....Stir with hands to break up curds
Step 8.....Warm to 102 degrees very slowly.Stir occasionally
Step 9.....Leave in the whey for about one hour. Stir occasionally
Step 10...Pour into cheese cloth and let whey run off
Step 11...Add salt -- 1 Tbs per gallon, put 1 tbs at a time while stirring
Step 12...Form into ball in cloth and hang for 1/2 to 3/4 hour

Mexican Cheese

2 gallons fresh milk
1/4 rennant cheese tablet dissolved in
1/4 cup cold water
2 tbs salt

Heat milk to luke warm (75-90). Remove from heat and add dissolved rennant. Stir and leave to curdle, about 1 hour.

Break up curds and let separate from whey - pour off whey. Press off more whey. Salt the curds and press again. Don't throw away the whey, it's good to cook with.


I have never made cheese, but have gotten this information from my Granny and saved it, thinking that someday I might need it.

There are many varieties of cheese, depending up the type of milk used, the method of making curds, the methods of ripening and the seasonings used.

Whether a cheese is designated as soft or hard is determined to a large extent by the amount of water it contains. Soft cheese contains approximately 50 to 75 percent water. Hard cheese usually 25-30 percent.

Most cheese stores well. How long it will keep depends on the kind of cheese and how it is wrapped. All hard cheeses should be stored tightly wrapped. Cottage cheese or soft cheese should be used within two or three day. They will last approximately one to two weeks, in the refrigerator. Precessed cheeses will store from three to six months in the refrigerator. Properly wrapped hard cheese will keep for several years t refrigerator temperatures. They should be wrapped tightly to protect them fro the air and fro drying out.

Blocks or horns of hard cheese that are dipped in paraffin wax and stored in a cool (below 70 degrees) place will keep for several months. Five pound bricks of cheese may be stored by wrapping in vinegar cloths. They will not mold and will not need to be re wrapped for six to eight months. Any mold that forms on the surface of hard cheese can be trimmed off before using. If cheese has dried and become hard, it may be grated, stored in a tightly covered container, and used in cooking.

Cornbread Deluxe

I love this Cornbread recipe

Mix in order as listed then bake at 350 for about 25 min.

1 1/2 cup flour
2/3 cup sugar
1/2 cup of cornmeal
1 tbs baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/4 cup milk
2 slightly beaten eggs
1/3 cup veg. oil
3 tbs softened butter

Place in a greased pan or I use a cast iron frying pan or a Dutch oven. Very good.

Corn Meal Mush

1 cup cornmeal (yellow or white)
1/2 cup cold water
1 tsp. salt
4 cups milk (dry milk that has been mixed for liquid)

Stir corn meal into 1/2 cold water. Heat milk to boiling, and add the salt and moistened meal. Mix well. When thickened, place in top of double boiler or over very low even hat and cook for about 30-45 min. Serve hot with butter or milk or pour into loaf pan to cool.

When cold and firm, slice, coat with cornmeal or wheat germ. Brown in small of fat and serve with honey.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Corn is another real good item to store. It is easily taken care of. After it is completely dried (on the cob) it can be rubbed off the cob very easily and stored in containers or hung in flour sacks. Corn can then be ground into corn meal or left in whole kernels to parch.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Minute Rice Medley

Saute until tender
1/2 cup diced onion
1/2 cup diced celery
2 tbs butter

1 1/2 cup minute rice (or already cooked regular rice)
1 1/2 cup water (if using already cooked rice omit the water)
1 chicken bouillon cube
2 cups left over chicken, cut up
1 9 oz pkg frozen mixed vegetables
1 can cream of celery soup
1 can cream of chicken soup

Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer or bake in oven for 20 min. (Tuna may be substituted for chicken)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Spanish Rice

Season mix --

2 tbs dry onion
1 tbs salt
1 tbs chili powder
1 1/2 tbs crush red pepper
1 1/2 minced garlic
1 1/2 tbs cumin
3/4 tbs orgeno
1 1/2 sugar

Mix this together and store in a tight container for later use.

3 cups hot water
3 cup tomatoe juice
3 beef bouillon cubes
2 cups rice
salt and pepper
1 tbs season mix (above)

put all ingredients in a 9 x 13 pan. You may add ground beef, onions, green chili or whatever else that you would like. Bake covered (with tin foil will do). Bake at 350 for about 35 min.